Major Robert 'Rosie' Rosenthal

The displays at 100th Bomb Group Memorial Museum are full of the poignant tales of personnel stationed at Thorpe Abbotts. Figures such as Major Robert ‘Rosie’ Rosenthal are showcased; a 100th Bomb Group legend who flew 52 missions with the 100th Bomb Group when he was only required to serve 25.
On 10th October 1943 the 100th Bomb Group undertook a mission to Munster, Germany. It was Rosie’s third mission with the 100th Bomb Group. Of the 13 aircraft (carrying ten men each) which took off from Norfolk Rosie's crew was the only 100th Bomb Group plane to return home to Thorpe Abbotts that day.
A lawyer by trade before the war, Rosenthal served on the Nuremburg Trials where he interviewed Hermann Goring.